December 28, 2010

So Saints had a match with entah team siapa kah tu since nada orang ingat, 2 weeks back. Won 3 maps overall tho not really sure what the score was. Basically It was a win for de_dust2, de_inferno and de_nuke. Hirzi pulled out the knife on 3 players and Nawar got an awp ace on de_inferno. Otherwise, others did good too :D

Today had we head off against [ TFG ] and won 3 maps and lost 1. We didnt have a full team on the last 2 maps(de_nuke, de_train) since some of us had to go back early, so thank you to those who replaced us. :D

Anyways scores for the maps :

de_dust2 16 - 5
de_inferno 16 - 10
de_nuke 16 - 5
de_train 10 - 16

Din sliced a player on dust2 and Bib got one on inferno. Overall great match! :D


December 07, 2010


First of all, Happy Holidays to all and Selamat Awal Muharram to all Muslims. hehe. Updates, chinis boy is back from kuching! YEA kau gay wil! (: HEHE! and saints are back on after being on hiatus. well sorta :D so yeah!

Kamu semua kiyut~ :P tapi sekiut kiut kamu, kiut lagi aku. HEHE! :D
